Winning the Day

So let’s face it, life is difficult. Everyone is busy and going 1,000 directions. We may be in different stages of life and dealing with our own struggles but what we each have in common is we are each feeling the weight of these struggles.

A helpful reminder for me during this season is that I am not alone and I do not have to carry the weight of this season alone. That to me is freeing and I am thankful for my relationship with Christ who tells me in Deuteronomy 31:8 He will never leave nor forsake me.

Something else which I have gleaned during this time period is it is only a season. I find myself repeating this phrase over and over again. I truly believe this, but I also think about ways in which I want to handle this season. Do I want the season to rule me or do I want to take charge of the season and come out successful on the other side? These successes can be big or small but my goal is to come out of any season with lessons learned instead of barely surviving. How I cope with this season will indirectly affect many aspects of my life. Our mental health is important and in order for us to be at the top of our game we have to make sure we are focusing on training this aspect of ourselves.

With this being Mental Health Awareness Month we wanted to give you a few helpful tips and tricks to win the minute, day, week, month, and this season.

  1. Find an outlet for your stress

    • For me running and exercise is this outlet. Even if I only have 20 minutes sometimes that is all it takes for me to get my head back in the game.

  2. Hang motivational quotes, verses, or affirmations in a place you spend a lot of time

    • I write these messages in my planner because I know I will look at them numerous times a day.

  3. Journal

    • Bullet journals and gratitude journals are great ways for you to be able to express yourself and the way you are feeling.

  4. Surround yourself with people who will speak life into you

Throughout this month we will be posting on our social media channels challenges to help you combat some of your daily stresses. Positivity is key!
