April: Stress Awareness Month

Since 1992 April has been recognized as Stress Awareness Month. During this period of time, it is many experts goal to increase awareness about stress. As an athletic shoe store we are passionate about helping our customers become a better, healthier version of themselves mentally and physically. It is known that exercise is good for the body but a little exercise can go a long way towards stress management.

According to a recent poll conducted by the Anxienty and Depression Association of America

“some 14 percent of people make use of regular exercise to cope with stress. Others reported talking to friends or family (18 percent); sleeping (17 percent); watching movies or TV (14 percent), as well as eating (14 percent) and listening to music (13 percent).

While all of these are well-known coping techniques, exercise may be the one most recommended by health care professionals. And among ADAA poll takers who exercise, a healthy percentage is already on the right track: Walking (29 percent), running (20 percent), and yoga (11 percent) are their preferred strategies.”

The benefits of exercise in regards to physical health have long been proven and encouraged. So how does it benefit our mental health? Physical activity produces chemicals in your brain that act as natural pain killers, also know as endorphins. It also improves your quality of sleep which in turn reduces stress. In short, next time you feel overwhelmed and stress take these things under consideration! A walk around your neighborhood, office, or school can do a great deal for your health.

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